1. Name: Takako Yamamoto
Education: University of Library and Information Science (Master of
Library and Information Science, 1992)
3. Position:
Associate Professor, Otani University
4. Publications:
"Library Personnel; Their Requirements and Qualification in the U.
.....The Otani Gakuho (The Journal of Buddhist Studies and
Humanities), Vol. XC, No.1 (2010) (Japanese)
"A Movement of Library support Staff in the USA,"
....The Otani Gakuho
(The Journal of Buddhist Studies and Humanities) Vol. XC, No.2 (2011)
(3) "The Education of Library Support Staff in the United
....The Annual Report of Research of Otani University, No.63 (2011)
"The Study of Standards for Accreditation of Master's
Programs in Library & Information Studies, 2008 - the updating process from
1992 and current problems,"
....Doshisha University
Library and Information Studies. No. 21 (2010) (Japanese)
5. Research Interests:
Library and Information
Science Education, Education of Library Support Staff as a
6. E-mail Address: